Seoul Madame Abalone Porridge 500g


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[Rodem Food] Seoul Madame Abalone Porridge 500g

This is a delicious abalone porridge made with fresh Wando-produced abalone and neatly cleaned internal organs, made with Korea grown rice.

How to Use

Simple Preparation Method

Microwave Preparation (700w Basis)

Transfer into a microwavable bowl and heat for 3 minutes.

Heating time may differ depending on microwave specifications.

Hot Water Preparation

Put the whole bag into boiling water for 5 minutes.

Be careful as the bag is very hot.

Pot Preparation

Transfer the contents into a pot and stir while heating on medium heat to ensure product doesn’t stick.

Verified Quality

HACCP Food Safety Management Certification and Thorough Metal and Foreign Substances Detection Management

Rodem Food is a food safety management certified company that has been certified by HACCP for the quality and safety of raw material production, manufacturing, processing, and distribution stages, and does its best to ensure quality and protect customer's safety with in-depth detection and management.

Premium Ingreidents

Even our rice is full of premium ingredients.

We use Cheorwon Odae Rice, which is produced in Cheorwon, a pristine area. The rice is rich in minerals, has a dense texture, and has a uniquely attractive savory sweet taste.

California Proposition 65

warning WARNING: Consuming this product can expose you to chemicals including lead and cadmium which are known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to

Allergy Info This product is manufactured in the same manufacturing facilities as products using eggs, milk, buckwheat, peanuts, soybeans, wheat, mackerel, crab, shrimp, pork, peaches, tomatoes, sulfurous acids, walnuts, chicken, beef, squid, and pine nuts. shellfish (overturning) containing
Manufacturer Rodem food
Origin Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
Ingredients Purified water, rice (domestic), abalone (domestic: Wando), onion (domestic), glutinous rice, carrot, sesame oil, leek, sea salt (domestic), sodium L-glutamate (flavor enhancer)
280kcal per 500g * 1 day nutrient
ratio to reference value
sodium 830mg 42%
49g carbohydrates 15%
saccharide 0g
fat 4.5g 8%
0g transfat
saturated fat 0.8g 5%
35 mg of cholesterol 12%
protein 11g 20%

* The ratio (%) to the daily nutritional standard is 2,000 kcal, so it may vary depending on the individual's required calories.

Storage Method: Refrigerator Storage (0~10ºC)

Rodem Food operates food quality control and R&D offices, and holds 25 food-related patents so far. It is a brand that produces products with the promise and belief to make customers happy with healthy food.

Shipping Information

Refund Policy

  1. Exchange or refund requests must be made within 7 days of receiving your product and should be initiated by contacting us through email ( or phone (310-933-8648) with a photo.
  2. Please note that exchange or refund requests made on review boards or other platforms are not accepted.
  3. Room temp. items:
    1. A 30% restocking fee plus shipping charges apply for returns due to a change of mind, and refunds are not available for non-defective Room temp. items.
  4. Cold temp. items: 
    1. Returns are not allowed due to a change of mind, and refunds are not available for non-defective Cold temp. items.

Package Theft

  • In the event of theft, we will issue you a refund of up to $80 in points for the first instance. However, for any subsequent thefts to the same address or account, you will be solely responsible for the products left at your delivery address. Wooltari will not offer refunds for any subsequent theft claims.

Customer Reviews

Based on 148 reviews

세일할 때 무조건 쟁여둬야 겠다고 생각했어요. 리뷰만 믿고 구매한건데 간편한데 맛도 좋고 잘 산 것 같네요!!


추가로 전복 안 넣고도 맛있게 먹었어요. 간 따로 안해도 딱 좋아요.


죽 싫어하는 아들도 한그릇 뚝딱!! 작지만 씹히는 전복도 있고 간편하게 데워서 아이들 아플때 챙겨주기 좋아요!! 다음에도 쟁여야겠어요~


리뷰보고 시켰는데 진짜 후회없는 구매네요. 세일하는 동안 많이 사다 쟁여둘 걸 그랬나.. 맛있어요!!




끓는 물에 봉지째 해동해서 냄비에 다시 끓여서 먹었는데 간도 딱 맞고 둘이서 간단하게 요기하기 좋아요.


한국살땐 본죽 자주갔는데 미국오니까 그런게 아쉽더라고요. 혼자 지내는데 아플땐 요리할 기운도 없어서, 세일할때 바로 장바구니에 담았어요. 포장이 잘 되어와서 꽁꽁 얼은 채로 배송받았습니다. 유통기한도 넉넉하고 좋아요.


아침부터 입맛이 좋은 저와 달리 남편은 입맛이 없어서 아침에 늘 씨리얼에 우유로 아침을 떼우는데 더 이상 이렇게는 안되겠고 영양가 있는 음식을 먹었으면해서 전복죽 오더했어요. 결과는? 너무 잘먹습니다👍🏻

플라스틱 통에 나오는 인스턴트 전복죽을 박스로 구매했었는데 안 먹어서 유통기한 이슈로 다 버렸을 정도로 죽을 좋아하는 사람도 아니라 한 번만 더 시도해보자 하고 주문해봤는데 이번 전복죽은 고소하니 찐해서 맛있다고 오늘 아침에도 먼저 찾네요ㅎㅎ (남편이 잘 먹어서 저는 맛본다고 두 입 먹고 다 뺏겼네요😂)

냉동실에 보관하다 먹기 하루 전 냉장고로 내려놓고 전자렌지나 한 번 중약불로 끓이기만 하면 되니 간편해서 몇 개 더 쟁여두려고요~ 아침에 과하지 않으면서 든든해야 하루종일 속도 좋은데 전복죽 1/2팩에 삶은계란으로 단백질 조금 챙겨주면 직장인, 학생, 어린 아이들까지 아주 딱이라고 생각합니다💯!


Excited to try


한국에 있을때 사먹었는데 괜찮아서 구매했는데 가격은 한국가격과 많이 차이가 나네요.